Cloud Security Hacks To Keep In Mind

If you are a cloud security person, someone who controls all processes related to cloud deployment including security processes like encryption, identity access and management (IAM), and application and user authentication; you must know about these cloud security hacks that will be beneficial.
Cloud security is not often given the attention it deserves. Many enterprises lack an ideal security solution. As for most of the security solutions that are available in the cloud environment, it seems like the companies have made use of the native public security and did some iterations in it. That is all the work they do.
By looking at the evolution of security solutions with the advancements in technology, it is evident that technological improvement does not mean that security will catch up. After securing a cloud system, most of the companies are less willing to upgrade security and this in itself poses a big risk. Using easy security hacks put you at a lower risk of a data breach.
What are the cloud security hacks that you should know about? Here are a few.
Hack 1: Directory Integration
IAM systems share data about people, systems, and devices through directory services. Most of the cloud security systems either do not use IAM or use it without offering any automated sharing of information via the directory systems.
If the directory integration feature is not present in the system and a user is removed from the directory system for the on-premises systems, the user will not be automatically removed from the cloud security system. This means that you will need to change the details in two places.
Hack 2: Governance Integration
Resource governance and service systems are expected to work together. However, in many cases, they don’t. Consider a situation when someone is repeatedly violating governance policies. The person will be regarded as a security risk, as the chance of them misusing the storage system is more. It would be better to lock them out as soon as you get the warning signs.
Hack 3: Automated Security Testing
People who make use of DevOps toolchains already know the value of the various automated testing tools. However, many skip the step of adding automated security as a part of the DevOps toolchain. When security testing is included as a part of automated testing systems, you can easily find issues at the code and data levels before the processes move to the production stage. As per the experts in the field, those applications that pass through the toolchain have up to five times the security of applications that use passive security testing or no security testing at all.